Core Graphics Tutorial: Shadows and Gloss

Update 4/17/2013 Fully updated for Xcode 4.6, and ARC. (original post by Ray Wenderlich, update by Brian Moakley).

This is the third part of a tutorial series covering how to get started with the Core Graphics API – via practical examples!Custom draw the header of this table!
In the first part of the series, you learned how to draw lines, rectangles, gradients – via making pretty table view cell backgrounds.

In the second part of the series, you learned how to draw shadows and gloss effects – via making a pretty table view cell header.

In this article, you’ll finally finish up your table view by adding the footer, and adding some finishing touches. You’ll also learn about drawing arcs and working more with clipping and paths along the way!

If you don’t have it already, grab a copy of the sample project where you left off in the last Core Graphics tutorial.

Core Graphics Tutorial: Arcs and Paths

Update 4/17/2013 Fully updated for Xcode 4.6, and ARC. (original post by Ray Wenderlich, update by Brian Moakley).

This is the third part of a tutorial series covering how to get started with the Core Graphics API – via practical examples!Arc

In the first part of the series, you learned how to draw lines, rectangles, gradients – via making pretty table view cell backgrounds.

In the second part of the series, you learned how to draw shadows and gloss effects – via making a pretty table view cell header.

In this article, you’ll finally finish up your table view by adding the footer, and adding some finishing touches. You’ll also learn about drawing arcs and working more with clipping and paths along the way!

If you don’t have it already, grab a copy of the sample project where you left off in the last Core Graphics tutorial.

Core Graphics Tutorial: Glossy Buttons

Create your own cool and flexible buttons from scratch!Update 4/18/2013 Fully updated for Xcode 4.6, and ARC. (original post by Ray Wenderlich, update by Brian Moakley).

Welcome back to another tutorial in the Core Graphics tutorial series! In this tutorial series, you learn how to get started with Core Graphics – with practical examples.

In tutorials one, two, and three, you learned how to customize a table view from start to finish – just with Core Graphics.

In this Core Graphics tutorial, you’re going to tackle a different practical example – how to customize a UIButton.

In the process, you’ll learn how to draw rounded rects, how to easily tint your Core Graphics drawings, and reinforce some of the concepts you’ve already covered.

As Alex Curylo from Under The Bridge has mentioned many times, there are a lot of good options out there for how to customize your UIButtons already. My personal favorite for quick and easy button making is Button Maker by Dermot Daly, by the way.

But I think what’s been missing in this discussion is a detailed Core Graphics tutorial for how to customize the buttons yourself, from start to finish. It’s pretty simple, and this way you can get the exact look you’re going for in your app.

So let’s get started and make some buttons! Keep reading


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